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             SCIENCE                                                                                VOCABULARY – 5

                                      Verbs & Verb Phrases (Fiiller & Deyimler)

           change   :  değiştirmek               know     :  bilmek                   design      :  dizayn etmek
           explore  :  keşfetmek                 improve  :  geliştirmek              found       :  kurmak
           diagnose  :  teşhis etmek             move     :  hareket etmek            take part      :  yer almak
           invent   :  icat etmek                search   :  aramak                   pay attention :  dikkat etmek
           succeed  :  başarmak                  make     :    yapmak                 be belong to   :  ait olmak
           observe  :  gözlemlemek               work     :  çalışmak                 go on        :  devam etmek
           develop  :  geliştirmek               convey   :  iletmek                  work on      :  üzerine çalışmak
           conduct  :  yürütmek                  die      :  ölmek                    look for      :  aramak
           prepare  :  hazırlamak                create   :  oluşturmak               move with    :  beraber hareket etmek
           find     :  bulmak                    operate  :  çalıştırmak              look into      :  incelemek
           discover  :  keşfetmek                view     :    incelemek              take note     :  not almak
           show     :  göstermek                 get      :  edinmek                  keep away     :  uzak durmak, tutmak

               Exercise 1        Circle the correct option in each sentence.

                  1.   Oktay Sinanoğlu decided / developed a theory of the electronic structure of molecules.

                  2.   A robot called Curiosity discovered / invented water on the Mars.
                  3.   Nadia is interested in science. She always wants to observe / prepare the plants under the microscobe.
                  4.   I think the invention of the steam engine created / changed the world most. It made England one of the most
                      important countries on the world.
                  5.   Stephen Hawking was diagnosed / viewed with ALS when he was at university.
                  6.   The invention of the compass helped people to found / explore new lands.

                Exercise 2     Solve the puzzle.

                      A      B       C      D       E      F      G       H      I       J      K      L      M

                      N      O       P      Q       R      S      T       U      V      W       X      Y       Z

                                 a)     ...   ...  ...   ...                    ...  ...   ...

                                 c)     ...   ...  ...   ...   ...  ...   ...

                                 d)     ...   ...  ...                    ...   ...  ...   ...

                                 f)     ...   ...  ...   ...   ...  ...   ...

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