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P. 210


             SCIENCE                                                                               NEW GENERATION TEST

                              I think compass changed the                       To me, steam engine is the
                                     world most.                                 most important scientific
                                                                                    action in the past.
                              Nazlı                                                            Nicholas

                                                           Scientific Actions

                             In 1896, Marie Curie introduced                    Our daily life changed with
                              Radium to the science world.                      the invention of smartphones.

                              Marlon                                                           Britney

               Who is talking about a discovery in the past?
               A)  Nazlı              B)  Nicholas           C)  Marlon            D) Britney

           4.   The chart below shows the results of a survey. A survey company conducted a research on students’ interests on science.

                                  search about renowned sc ent sts

                                          do exper ments  n a lab

                                          read sc ence magaz nes

                                            watch sc ence v deos

                                                              0   10    20   30   40   50   60   70

               We can understand from the chart that _____________ .

               A)  most students prefer reading about science to watching science videos
               B)  half of the students are interested in famous scientists’ lives
               C)  reading science magazines is more popular than doing experiments among students

               D) only a few students prefer reading about science to watching videos about science

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