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           SCIENCE                                                                            GRAMMAR & DIALOGUE TEST

          1-15: For these questions, choose the best option to   5.   Oktay Sinanoğlu  __________  a theory of the electronic
          fill in the blanks.                                        structure of molecules.
                                                                     A)  develops

          1.   Canan Dağdeviren __________  to develop a device      B)  developed
              diagnosing skin cancer.                                C)  developing

              A)  succeeds          B)  succeed                      D) develop
              C)  succeeded         D) succeeding

          2.   I  think  the  invention  of  the  tyre  __________   the world
              because it __________  transportation.             6.   Glan    :  Are you interested in science?

              A)  changing / improved                                Melike  :  Yes, I’m. I read science magazines, watch
              B)  changed / is improved                                         documentaries, conduct experiments and
                                                                                search about the scientists.
              C)  changed / improved
              D) change / improves                                   Glan    :  Wow! __________  .
                                                                     A)  you must follow my vlog about global warming
                                                                     B)  you are a real science worm
                                                                     C)  you have little interest in science

                                                                     D) you should explain the results of your experiments

          3.   Maria  :   Did Marconi invent the TV?
              Albert  :   No, he __________   . He __________ the radio.

              A)  did / invent
              B)  doesn’t / invent
              C)  didn’t / invented
              D) didn’t / invent
                                                                 7.   Wanda  :  What are you doing there?
                                                                     Mauro  :  I’m doing an experiment.
                                                                     Wanda  :  Really? __________ because test tubes may
                                                                     A)  You aren’t keen on experiments
          4.   Einstein __________ his ground-breaking theory of relativity.
                                                                     B)  Don’t forget to take notes of experiments
              A)  formulated        B)  formulate
                                                                     C)  Pay attention to the lab safety
              C)  formulates        D) formulating
                                                                     D) Please conduct an experiment on a plant

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