Page 206 - 8meta_ing
P. 206


             SCIENCE                                                                            GRAMMAR & DIALOGUE TEST

           8.   Marilyn :  I think Otto Hahn is one of the most important    12.  Did Newton __________  the gravity?
                          scientists in history.
                                                                       A)  discover           B)  discovered
               Belinda  :  I don’t know him. __________  ?
                                                                       C)  discovers          D) discovering
               Marilyn :  He is a chemist. He worked on the main matter
                          of radium and gained Nobel Prize in chemistry.
               A)  What did he discover

               B)  What is his profession
               C)  Was he a successful scientist
               D) Did he invent anything
                                                                   13.  Linda  : __________  ?
                                                                       Jack    : He was born in 1995.
                                                                       A)  Where was Larin born
                                                                       B)  When was Larin born

                                                                       C)  When did Larin go to university
                                                                       D) Was Larin born in 1995
           9.   Emily  :  __________ ?
               Luna    :  I read news and articles online. Also, I read
                         science magazines.
               A)  How do you follow scientific achievements
               B)  Who are the inventors you know
               C)  What does inventor mean
                                                                   14.  Tyler  :  What was the scientific action in the past you
               D) Are you interested in science magazines
                                                                       Jim    :  __________  .

                                                                       A)  Marie Curie discovered radium
                                                                       B)  İlayda Şamilgil is doing some research about space
                                                                       C)  TOGG is developing the first electric car of Turkey
           10.  Nicola Tesla __________ as a rich man. He was very poor   D) Scientists are doing research about other planets
               and alone when he died.

               A)  didn’t die         B)  doesn’t died
               C)  didn’t died        D) aren’t die

                                                                   15.  Sheila  : What __________  she __________   yesterday?
                                                                       Marta  : She did her homework and watched TV.

                                                                       A)  did / do
           11.  __________  you __________  anything before?
                                                                       B)  did / did
               A)  Did / invented
                                                                       C)  do / do
               B)  Do / invent
                                                                       D) do / did
               C)  Did / invent

               D) Does / invented

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