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P. 95


           ON THE PHONE                                                                          VOCABULARY TEST

          1 – 13 : For these questions, choose the best option   7.   I’m ____________ he is busy at the moment. He will get
          to fill in the blanks.                                     back to you in a few hours.
                                                                     A)  afraid             B)  happy
          1.   Martin  is busy  at the  moment.  Would you  like to
              ____________ a message?                                C)  embarrassed        D) surprised
              A)  call              B)  wonder

              C)  leave             D) invite
                                                                 8.   The line is ____________ now. I’ll try again later.
                                                                     A)  available          B)  easy

          2.   I can’t ____________ you very well. Can you speak louder,   C)  expensive    D) engaged
              A)  speak             B)  receive
              C)  try               D) hear                      9.   We need to contact with Marla immediately. It’s an
                                                                     ____________ .

                                                                     A)  emergency          B)  accident
                                                                     C)  issue              D) information
          3.   Mia is ____________ . Is Jamie home?

              A)  speaking          B)  joining
                                                                 10.  Don’t use your smartphone more than one hour a day.
              C)  changing          D) carrying
                                                                     Because it causes ____________ .
                                                                     A)  customer           B)  addiction
                                                                     C)  service            D) fire

          4.   You can ____________ with the customer service when
              you need help again.
                                                                 11.  I think Helen doesn’t have ____________ . Because she is
              A)  connect           B)  reserve
              C)  disturb           D) contact
                                                                     A)  latest version     B)  Internet connection
                                                                     C)  health service     D) security risk

          5.   Can you ____________ a moment, please? I’ll get him.
                                                                 12.  If you have a problem, you can get help from the
              A)  call back         B)  hold on                      ____________ service .

              C)  take care         D) meet up                       A)  officer            B)  burglar
                                                                     C)  customer           D) note

          6.   Sending text messages is a good way of ____________   13.  Please, hang on. I’ll take a ____________ .
              with friends.
                                                                     A)  pros               B)  cons
              A)  breaking into     B)  keeping in touch
                                                                     C)  memo               D) headmaster
              C)  asking for        D) getting help

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