Page 18 - 8ing_dnm
P. 18

7.   True Friends                                9.   Emma is a thirty-year old mother. She is interested
                                                                in cooking different traditional dishes around
                                                                the world. She wants to cook a special dish for
                                                                her family today. She prepares the following
                                                                  -  5 cups of  rice
                                                                  -  2 sheets of dried seaweed

                                                                  -  1 avocado
                 -They tell the truth to each other.
                                                                  -  some fish
                 -They keep each other’s secrets.
                                                                  -  1 teaspoon of salt
                 -They don’t upset each other.
                                                                What is the name of the dish that she wants to
                 -They enjoy spending time with each other.
                 -They have lots of things in common.
                                                                A)  Couscous  B)  Fajitas   C)  Croissants  D) Sushi
               According to the information above, if you want to
               be a true friend, you _____________ .

               Choose the correct option to complete the
               A)  should be sneaky

               B)  shouldn’t have similar interests
               C)  should be tactful
               D) should be unreliable

                          I live in the countryside near London. On
                          weekdays, I get up at half past six. I have
                          breakfast and brush my teeth. My father
                          drives me to school at quarter past seven.
                          I finish school at half past four, and my
                          father drives me back home. I have some   Kate:  Skyline Airline. ______________?
                          rest at home and feed the chickens. They
                          are  so  cute.  I  do  my  homework  before   Alex:  Hello! I’d like to make a reservation from
                          dinner. I listen to music or read a book    London to Italy.
                          before I go to bed.
                                                                Kate:  Sure. _________________?

                                                                Alex:  Single, please.
                Beryl                                           Kate:  ________________?
                                                                Alex:  Sure. Alex Reeds.
               Which of the following questions IS NOT
        SARMAL DENEME 4  answered in the text?                  Kate ask Alex?
                                                                Which of the following questions DOES NOT
               A)  How does she go to school?
                                                                A)  Would you like a single or a return ticket
               B)  What time does she sleep?
                                                                B)  Can I have your full  name
               C)  What does she do after school?
                                                                C)  How may I help you
               D) When does she study?
                                                                D) How much does a single ticket cost

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