Page 19 - 8ing_dnm
P. 19
1. Bu testte 10 soru vardır. 24 DENEME
2. Sınav süresi 20 dakikadır. DENEME SINAVI 12 SARMAL + 12 GENEL
3. Cevaplarınızı, cevap Adı Soyadı: .............................................................................................. Sarmal
kağıdına işaretleyiniz. 5
Okulu: ......................................................................................................
Sınıfı: ................................. Numarası: ..............................................
1. Answer the question according to the table below.
Fred adventurous / caring / tactful
Jane jealous / sneaky / unreliable
Dora generous / stubborn / amusing
Rick bad-tempered / honest / determined
Maggie is a high school student. She wants to make a new friend. She usually gets on well with people who
don’t upset others.
Who can be her friend according to the table?
A) Fred B) Jane C) Dora D) Rick
2. Oscar is an eighteen-year old teenager. He’s keen on different hobbies and activities. The table below shows
the frequency of some of his free time activities.
Free T me Act v t es
Skyd v ng
38% Soccer
Sw mm ng
Snowboard ng
Tenn s
Which of the following is TRUE according to the chart?
A) He often goes snowboarding. SARMAL DENEME 5
B) He spends more time on skydiving.
C) He plays tennis every day.
D) He spends most of his time on playing football.