Page 154 - 8oging_sb
P. 154

8.                                               12.
                            I have been to Ed nburgh, the
                         ______ of Scotland. It’s famous for  ts       Tour st Attract ons
                           ______.  Ed nburgh Castle  s an
                         amaz ng tour st attract on. There are                 monument
                         d  erent means of ______. I preferred
                          tra n to see the landscape. I stayed
                               f ve days  n a pens on.                           castle

               Which of the following words DOES NOT
               complete one of the gaps in the text?                            founta n

               A) architecture           B) transportation
               C) population             D) capital                          ______?______

                                                                Which word is SUITABLE to add to the list
           9.     a period of time to relax or travel for                  above?
                   pleasure instead of doing your usual work         A) spectator        B) century
                   or school activities: ______
                                                                C) conquest              D) mosque
                 the general weather conditions usually found
                    in a particular place: ______
                 a place where many people go for rest, sport,     13.   1.  ancient     a. dishes
                    or another stated purpose: ______            2.  cruise      b. hotels

               Which of the following expressions DOES NOT       3.  all-inclusive   c. holiday
               have a definition?                                4.  traditional    d. sites
               A) resort                 B) climate        OMAGE  Choose the best option to match the two parts.

               C) amphitheater           D) vacation
                                                                A)  1 – b / 2 – a / 3 – c / 4 – d
                                                                B)  1 – d / 2 – c / 3 – b / 4 – a
                                                                C)  1 – d / 2 – a / 3 – b / 4 – c
           10.  I want to see Samarkand because Samarkand is    D) 1 – b / 2 – a / 3 – d / 4 – c
               an important Turkish-Islamic center, and I’d love to
               see the historic sites there.
                                                            14.  Last year, I was in Şanlıurfa. I visited mosques,
               Which of the following words is the ANTONYM      shrines, fountains, the castle and some historic
               of the underlined word?                          sites such as Göbeklitepe.

               A) rural                  B) ancient             Which of the following pictures is NOT
               C) cultural               D) modern              mentioned?
                                                                A)                   B)

           11.  Hagia Sophia is in İstanbul. It was a church, and
               became a mosque  in the 15th century  in the
               Ottoman Empire. In 1935, it became a museum      C)                   D)
               and is now one of the top ______ in Turkey.
               Choose the CORRECT option to complete the gap.
               A)  attractions           B)  resorts
               C)  destinations          D) diversities

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