Page 158 - 8oging_sb
P. 158

5.   Mary and Jane are buddies. They want to spend   7.
               their  vacation  together,  but  they  can't  decide    __________?       __________?
               which place they should choose. Here are lists of
               their personal interests.                              Ei el Tower,      There are lots
                                                                        Louvre           of f ve-star
                                                                       Museum,            hotels,
                                                                      Notre Dame’s
                  Mary’s interests      Jane’s interests              Cathedral are     and bout que
                All-inclusive resorts   Famous restaurants         some amazing       hotels  n the
                                                                     places to visit
                Urban places          Rural areas                    in the city.        c ty.
                Historic sites        Ancient cities

                                                                       __________?      __________?
               Which place should they choose?
                                                                                        Don’t leave
                A)                   B)                                                Paris without
                                                                      October and         tasting
                                                                       July are the    baguettes and
                                                                      best months       croissants.
                                                                      to visit Paris.  They are very
                                                                                       famous in the
               C)                    D)
                                                                According to the information above, which of
                                                                the following questions CANNOT we ask?
                                                           OMAGE  A)  What to eat           B)  How to go
                                                                C)  Where to stay
                                                                                         D) When to visit

           6.   The table below shows the holiday preferences of   8.   I am  nto cultural hol days. I prefer
               four people.
                                                                        v s t ng towns wh ch are full of h story,
                      Rural    Cruise   Urban  Historical         Sue   museums and d  erent people.
                      Places  Holidays  Places   Places
                                                                 Vacat on means sea, sun and beach!
                Jim             8                8             I love sw mm ng and hav ng fun  n
                                                                 sh ny beaches.
                 Bill   8               8                                                        Ava
                                                                        I am crazy about computers and
                Jay     8        8                8
                                                                        technology so I want to explore the
                Lee     8               8                       J ll  heart of technology. The USA!

               Which of the following is WRONG according to      I want to see and compare the l fe of
               the table?                                        us w th the l fe of people who l ved
                                                                 before us.                        Amy
               A)  Jay isn’t interested in areas far away from cities.

               B)  Jim doesn’t prefer spending time in the countryside.  Who would rather have seaside holidays?
               C)  Bill would rather visit old buildings and structures.
                                                                A)  Sue                  B)  Ava
               D) Bill and Lee enjoy travelling by ship.
                                                                C)  Jill                 D) Amy

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