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P. 155

TOURISM | UNIT-7                                                        TEST – 1

          1.                                              4.              H , Amy. Good to see
                                                                              you. ______

                          4              8

                         4 = Prefer  8 = Don’t prefer
              Which one is TRUE according to the pictures
              above?                                                            It was fantast c. I had a
              A)  To me, ancient sites are more exciting and                       wonderful t me.
                entertaining than visiting modern structures or
              B)  I would rather spend my holiday in a modern city
                because there are lots of things to do.

              C)  I like visiting places with an interesting and unusual
                view.                                         Which of the following completes the dialogue?  SKILLS TEST
              D) I prefer visiting historical places because they have   A)  How was your holiday?
                fantastic structures.
                                                              B)  Where did you stay?
                                                              C)  What did he do in Fethiye?
          2.   (I) We have been in Queensland for ten days now
              and we have done many exciting things so far. (II)   D) Why do you prefer Antalya?
              First, we have visited the local people called the
              Maoris. (III) I don’t have any plans yet because I
              have been here for a week. (IV) We have watched   OMAGE
              their dances and learnt about their culture.
              Which option is ODD?                        5.    Jamaica is the island of  friendly smiling people,
                                                                majestic green mountains, sandy beaches
              A) I        B) II             C) III        D) IV
                                                                and crystal-clear blue and green waters of
                                                                Caribbean. Jamaica is the third largest of the
          3.                                                    Caribbean  islands, and  the largest English-
                          Welcome to
                                                                speaking island in the Caribbean Sea.  The
                             CAPITAL : Rome                     island’s name, Jamaica, comes from the word
                         POPULATION : 61,261,254                “Xaymaca”, and it means “land of wood, water
                         TOURIST ATTRACTIONS :                  and springs”. Jamaica has a mild temperature
                      The Colosseum, St Peter’s Bas l ca,       the year around. It’s a land of huge banana
                        DISHES : pasta, p zza, r sotto          trees, coconut palms and tropical flowers. Are
                     WEATHER : Med terranean cl mate;
                       ra ny w nter, hot dry summers            you looking for a true adventure? So, hiking
                                                                the green mountains and exploring the
                            CURRENCY : Euro
                                                                blue waters are much more memorable and
                                                                wonderful. Come and experience Jamaica.
              Which one is TRUE according to the information
              above?                                          Which one is FALSE according to the text?

              A)  Fewer than 60 million people live in Italy.  A)  The language of Jamaica is English.
              B)  The weather is always sunny in Italy around the year.   B)  The people of Jamaica is welcoming.
              C)  The Colosseum attracts many tourists.       C)  Jamaica means “land of wood, water and springs”.

              D) Italy is only famous for pizza.              D) The climate of Jamaica is unbearable.

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