Page 221 - 8oging_sb
P. 221

NATURAL FORCES | UNIT-10                                                TEST – 1

          1.   Which picture-word pair is NOT correct?    5.
              A)                  B)

                                                                    earthquake      I        ood

                                                                                                             VOCABULARY TEST

                                                                      IV      NATURAL
                    avalanche           drought                                FORCES        II
              C)                  D)

                                                                     tsunam     III       magn tude

                    landslide           hurricane             Which word is ODD on the visual?

                                                              A) I        B) II      C) III     D) IV
          2.   Natural ______ such as fires, floods and avalanches
              happen every year, somewhere in the world.
                                                          6.     ______: an explosion followed by a huge
              Choose the CORRECT option to complete the gap.      amount of smoke, fire and rock sent into the sky.
              A)  elevators            B)  disasters            ______: a large mass of snow, ice and rocks
                                                         OMAGE    ______: a sudden fall of a lot of earth or rocks
              C)  sources              D) explosions               that falls down the side of a mountain.

          3.   From the beginning of history, disasters occured        down a hill, cliff etc.
              in the world and they affected people’s lives badly.   Which of the following words DOES NOT have
              Some people lost their families, some of them lost   a definition?
              their houses.                                   A) Tornado                B) Landslide

              Which of the following words is the SYNONYM     C) Avalanche              D) Volcanic Eruption
              of the underlined word?
              A) predicted             B) caused
                                                          7.           Drought  s one of the natural forces and
              C) happened              D) threatened                     d sasters that I’d l ke to talk about. It
                                                                        happens when we don’t have enough
                                                                        ra nfall and we ______ too much water.
          4.                                                            We should use the water more ______.
                                People should _______                    We should stop wast ng our water
                              resources and use recyclable              sources. We should never ______ the
                                products. Otherw se, all                r vers, lakes and seas. If we don’t take
                               the natural resources w ll              the necessary measures soon, we won’t
                                   run out one day.                      have enough water to preserve and
                                                                          protect human l fe  n the future.
              Which option IS NOT suitable to complete the    Which of the following words DOES NOT
              sentence?                                       complete one of the gaps in the text?
              A)  save                 B)  protect            A)  waste                 B)  destructive
              C)  preserve             D) waste               C)  pollute               D) efficiently

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