Page 223 - 8oging_sb
P. 223

NATURAL FORCES | UNIT-10                                                TEST – 1

          1.   Ashley  : _____?                           3.   Lena :       I think global warming will be a great
                                                                      danger in the future.
              Tim      :  Yes. Because we waste water
                      irresponsibly. We should turn the taps   Alberti :    Why do you think so?

                      off when we don’t use them.             Lena :        Well, the climate is changing day by
                                                                           day.   There are more floods and
              Which of the following is suitable to fill in the
              blank above?                                                 droughts   now than before. I’m
                                                                           afraid it will be   worse in the future.
              A)  Do you drink three litres of water every day             Because the   number of   natural
              B)  Do you think there will be a water shortage              forces is increasing.
                                                              Alberti :   What should we do to prevent the

              C)  Did you write about water pollution
                                                                         natural forces?
              D) Are  you  going  to  attend  the  conference  about   Lena :       Well, we should educate people  about

                                                                          global warming. We  should  also take
                                                                          some actions   against  the earthquake,
                                                                          flood   and drought.   Or many people
                                                                           will die and   lose their homes.
                                                              Which of the pictures is NOT mentioned in the   SKILLS TEST
          2.                                                  dialogue above?
                     My Family                                A)                     B)

                 Shall we help the victims of earthquake in
                 Elazığ? Because many people are homeless
                 and need money now.                     OMAGE

                                               Arda           C)                     D)
                   We can visit them. I am sure they will feel

                 The government will help them. So, I won’t
                 help them.                               4.
                                                                     Eric   :  Use Reusable Bags!
                                                                     Nick   :  Recycle The Products!
                             We can help them financially.
                                                                     Celine  :  Save Electricity!
                  Zeki                                               Emma  :  Save Water!
                 Let’s call them and tell them to stay calm
                 for a while.                                 Which of the following is NOT correct?
                                                              A)  Celine thinks we should use energy-efficient light
                                                                bulbs instead of regular bulbs.
                                                              B)  Emma thinks we should turn off the tap while we are
              Whose  answer is the best solution for the        brushing our teeth.
              victims of Elazığ earhquake?                    C)  Eric thinks we shouldn’t throw the plastic bags into
                                                                bins, but use them for something else.
              A)  Arda's            B)  Ece's
                                                              D) Nick thinks we should reduce buying a lot of clothes,
              C)  Yasemin's         D) Zeki's
                                                                food, drinks and etc.

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