Page 222 - 8oging_sb
P. 222

8.   There are pollution types and of course, there are   12.
               solutions for them.                                          The planet  s heat ng up fast. Th s
                                                                           causes some results such as melt ng
                                                                          of glac ers, r s ng sea levels, decreas ng
                    PROBLEM             SOLUTION
                                                                           of ra nforests and ext nct on of some
                                                                           an mals. It  s clear that humans have
                                 We should use public
                I.   Air pollution                                         caused  t by releas ng heat-trapp ng
                                 transportation.                            gases. As a result of th s, the Earth’s
                                 We shouldn’t pour our             Mon ca   cl mate has changed. Th s means
                                                                            more extreme weather cond t ons,
                II.  Water Pollution wastes into the rivers and            more  ntense storms, and more ra n.
                III. Environment    We shouldn’t throw          Which of the following disasters does Monica
                      Pollution  rubbish around.                mention in the text?
                                 We should use wind and         A)  Biological pollutants   B)  Water shortage
                IV. Noise Pollution
                                 solar energy.
                                                                C)  Global warming       D) Air pollution
               According to the table, which of the matches is
                                                            13.   1.  climate     a. shortage
               A)  I       B)  II     C)  III    D) IV
                                                                 2.  soil        b. phenomena
           9.   If we destroy forests, the rate of the carbon dioxide
               in the atmosphere will be higher than normal. A    3.  natural     c. contamination
               little increase can cause big disasters for the whole    4.  water      d. change
                                                                Choose the best option to match the two parts.
               Which of the following words is the ANTONYM      A)  1 – b / 2 – a / 3 – c / 4 – d
               of the underlined word?

               A) rise                   B) extinction          B)  1 – d / 2 – c / 3 – b / 4 – a
               C) decrease               D) temperature    OMAGE  C)  1 – d / 2 – a / 3 – b / 4 – c
           10.  If the volcano erupts, it can ______ thousands of   D) 1 – b / 2 – a / 3 – d / 4 – c
               homes and a forest fire might start because of hot   14.  Tim and Jim decided to search the same topic
               rocks.                                           about saving the planet and discuss it later. Here
               Choose the CORRECT option to complete the gap.   are the lists of their personal interests:

               A)  extend                B)  rescue
               C)  prepare               D) destroy                   T m                   J m
                                                                - Renewable sources    - Solar and w nd
           11.  A huge tornado hit Southern China yesterday     - Recyclable mater als    energy
               and killed at least 200 people. The storm caused   - Wast ng water      - Reusable  tems
               considerable damage. No one knows how many                              - Pollut on types
               people are now homeless.

               Which of the following pictures shows the          Find the topic that both Tim and Jim enjoy reading.
               disaster in text?                                A)                  B)
                                                                         HOME    SHOP   RESOURCES   FA Q   CONTA CT  HOME    SHOP   RESOURCES   FA Q   CONTA CT
                A)                   B)
                                                                      global warming     animal extinction
                                                                         LANDING PA GES     LANDING PA GES
                                                                          LEARN  MORE        LEARN  MORE
                                                                C)                  D)
               C)                    D)                                  HOME    SHOP   RESOURCES   FA Q   CONTA CT  HOME    SHOP   RESOURCES   FA Q   CONTA CT

                                                                      deforestation      saving energy
                                                                         LANDING PA GES     LANDING PA GES
                                                                          LEARN  MORE
                                                                                             LEARN  MORE

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