Page 224 - 8oging_sb
P. 224

5.                                               7.

                                                                 Minor Secondary School invites you to join over
                                                                  50 groups of students in the fight of climate
                                                                    Make a group of three, organize your idea
               There were two avalanches on  Tuesday and
               Wednesday in Van last week. The first avalanche          about the climate change and tell us.
               buried a minibus in Bahçesaray, Van, on February      Each presentation will be within 10
               4. It killed five people and left two people under   minutes.
               the snow. The next day, dozens of people including             28 May 2022
               search and rescue teams, firefighters and village          Minor Conference Centre
                                                                           Between 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
               guards went there to help them, but there was
               a second avalanche. Unfortunately, they were                  Lunch is free.
               under the second avalanche. Most of them could       For more information, contact Mr. Jordan Dean
               get out from the tons of snow, but 41 people died  
               of two avalanches.
               Which of the questions has NO answer             There is NO information about the _____ of the
               according to the text above?                     meeting.
               A)  How many people went to help the victims?    A)  organizer          B)  date
               B)  Where did the avalanches take place?         C)  place              D) fee
               C)  When did the second avalanche take place?  OMAGE

               D) How many people died from two avalanches?

           6.                           Mark     Fiona
                                                                    Lucas: The climate changes and we see a lot
                                                                    of floods in every season.
                                       Always   Sometimes   Never   Always  Sometimes  Never

                How often do you recycle                            Lisa: We shouldn’t use our private cars. We
                                                                    must prefer public transportation instead.
                How often do you use
                bicycle?                                            George: People shouldn’t cut down trees.
                How often do you plant                              Deforestation is a big problem.
                How often do you use
                paper bags?                                         Mathew:  We  pollute  the  air,  water  and  our
                                                                    environment. We should know how to recycle
               Which of the following is CORRECT according          things.
               to the chart above?

               A)  Mark knows how to separate the trash.        Who mentions one of the results of global
               B)  Mark cares about planting trees.
                                                                A)  Lucas              B)  Lisa
               C)  Fiona is more eco-friendly than Mark.
                                                                C)  George             D) Mathew
               D) Mark and Fiona don’t use paper bags.

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