Page 81 - 8oging_sb
P. 81

ON THE PHONE | UNIT-4                                                   TEST – 1

          1.   Which picture-word pair is WRONG?          5.
                                                                        People always want to _____ in touch
              A)                  B)                                    with each other. Telephones provide
                                                                        people to _____ easily. With the help of
                                                                        technology, telephones changed a lot. It
                                                                        started as a telephone, then _____ into
                                                                        mobile phones and its latest version is
                                                                        now smart phones.

                     hang up             pick up              Which of the following words DOES NOT          VOCABULARY TEST
                                                              complete one of the gaps in the text?
              C)                  D)
                                                              A)  carry              B)  keep
                                                              C)  connect            D) evolved

                                                          6.   Smartphones have some  cons, especially on
                                                              young people. They can damage their social life,
                     connect               dial               education and physical health.

                                                              Which of the following words is the ANTONYM
          2.   People used different ways to  communicate in   of the underlined word?
                                                              A)  disadvantages      B)  harms
              Which of the following words is the SYNONYM     C)  pros               D) risks
              of the underlined word?
              A)  meet   B)  contact   C)  develop   D) share  7.   People ______ approximately 10 million messages

          3.   My grandfather doesn’t like technological devices.   OMAGE  a day in Turkey.
              That’s why he always prefers ______.            Choose the CORRECT option to complete the
              Choose the CORRECT option to complete the       gap.
              gap.                                            A)  dial               B)  text

              A)  sending e-mails                             C)  book               D) confirm
              B)  face-to-face communication
              C)  texting messages                        8.

              D) using social networking sites

                               Hi, I’m Tim. May I
                               speak to James?
                         ________ a minute. I’ll get
                        him. Hmmm, I’m afraid he isn’t                       _____?______
                          available at the moment.

              Which option IS NOT suitable to complete the    Which word is SUITABLE to add to the list
              sentence?                                       above?
              A)  Hold on            B)  Hang on              A)  tactful            B)  embarrased

              C)  Wait               D) Call back             C)  generous           D) handsome

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