Page 86 - 8oging_sb
P. 86

5.                                                   Answer the questions (8-10) according to the
                  Can I talk to   Jane                                        speeches.

                OK. Please tell                                        I like socializing with people. I usually
                                            a message?
                                                                       meet my friends after work. We
                   when he                                             mostly work on projects together, but
                 comes back.     Jack                                  we sometimes just sit and chit-chat.
                                                                       When we don’t meet, we make video
                                                              Amy      chats on social networking sites, but I
               Which of the following is WRONG according to
               the dialogue?                                           don’t like it much.

               A)  The caller is Jane.
                                                              I’m crazy about playing video games
               B)  Jack is the answerer of the phone call.    on my computer, but I don’t like using
               C)  Jane wants Mike to call her back.          technology too much. I use my mobile
                                                              phone only to call my friends. I hate
               D) Jane is going to wait for Jack’s call.      texting them or sending them emails.  Sue

           6.   Mary : Good morning! Costumer Service. How            People are sometimes surprised when
                       may I help you?                                I tell them I prefer writing letters to
               Dean : Good morning! My laptop isn’t                   other types of communication. It is not
                       working properly. Can you change my     Bill   as fast as emails, but it makes me
                                                                      remember the good old days.
               Mary : Sure! We’ll send you a new one in a
               Dean : Thanks for your help.                 8.   Amy ________.

               Mary : You’re welcome. Bye.                 OMAGE  A)  doesn’t like being with people

               Dean called the customer service to ______.      B)  prefers face-to-face communication to video chats
               A)  tell about a problem with his computer       C)  never makes video chats
               B)  buy a new laptop                             D) always works on projects alone
               C)  donate some materials

               D) make a flight reservation
                                                            9.   Sue ________.

           7.    I.  This is his friend, Curtis.                A)  prefers talking on the phone with her friends
                II.   Okay. I’ll tell him. May I ask who’s calling?  B)  dislikes playing video games in her free time
                III.  Yes, please. Could you tell him to contact with   C)  doesn’t have a mobile phone or a computer
                  Mr. Bright? It’s about the school project.    D) keeps in touch with her friends by texting
                IV.  I’m afraid. He’s not available at the moment.
                  He  has  gone  out. Would  you  like  to  leave  a
                V.  Hello. Is Steve there?                  10.  Bill ________.

               Which of the following is the CORRECT order of   A)  says writing letters is very popular
               the dialogue?                                    B)  thinks people should always send emails

               A)  I, II, III, IV, V         B)  IV, V, II, I, III  C)  prefers an old way of communication
               C)  III, I, IV, V, II         D) V, IV, III, II, I  D) says it was hard to live a happy life in the past

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