Page 84 - 8oging_sb
P. 84

7.                                               10.  Mike is your classmate. You have a history project
                        Hi! It is Mary. I'd
                        Hi! It is Mary. I’d                     to finish together. You need to speak to him about
                        like to talk to Mr.
                        like to talk to                         the project. You call him, but his mother answers
                        Mr. Gordon.                             the phone. She tells you that he isn’t available at
                                                                the moment, but this is the last day of the project.
                                   OK. Please                   You need to contact him.
                                   OK. Please
                                   hold the line                What would you say to his mother over the
                                   hold the line.
                                   ______.                      phone?
                                    _____ .
                                                                A)  Could you tell him that we’ll meet up at the Café
               Which of the following completes the dialogue?     Goriat tomorrow?
               A)  He isn’t available at the moment             B)  Can you please tell him that Dominic called?

               B)  You can leave a message                      C)  It’s a bad line. Could you repeat that?
               C)  I will put you through to him                D) Could you tell him to call me back as soon as
                                                                  possible? It's important.
               D) Hang up the phone and don’t call anymore
           8.                                               11.
                                                                          I’d like to talk to the manager, please.

                                                                  Can I book a table for two, please?
                 Company. How can I
                     help you?
                                                       .                   Could I see Dr. Trump at three   Tom
                                                           OMAGE           tomorrow?
                  leave a message?                                Sam
                                                                  There is a burglar outside. He’s trying to
               Which of the following DOES NOT complete the       break into my neighbour’s house.
               A)  No, thank you. I’ll call him later.
                                                                Whose call is for an appointment?
               B)  Yes, could you ask him to call me back as soon as
                  possible?                                     A)  Sue’s   B)  Sam’s   C)  Tom’s   D) Ava’s
               C)  Could you tell him to contact with Mr. Bright?  12.
               D) Yes, I am putting you through now.                     make      text    phone   send
                                                                          chats  messages  calls  e-mails
           9.   Cole :  Shall we meet at the funfair entrance at 3   Jack                        
                     p.m.?                                        Noah                           
               Lily  :    ______? It’s a bad line.                Lane                           
               Cole :   Sure. Let’s meet at the funfair at 3 p.m.  Mike                          

               Which of the following DOES NOT complete the                (  = Yes,   = No)
                                                                Which one is TRUE according to the table?
               A)  Can you please repeat that
                                                                A)  Noah sends emails but not text messages.
               B)  Could you hang on a minute
                                                                B)  Lane dislikes talking on the phone.
               C)  Can you speak louder
                                                                C)  All of them prefer texting to making video chats.
               D) Could you say that again
                                                                D) Jack doesn’t prefer sending messages to his friends.

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