Page 14 - OG_8 Kurumsal
P. 14


             SINAVLA ÖĞRENCİ ALACAK ORTAÖĞRETİM                                               SINIF
               KURUMLARINA İLİŞKİN DENEME SINAVI                                                       A

           Bu testte 10 soru vardır. Cevaplarınızı, cevap kâğıdına işaretleyiniz.

           1.   Here is some information about what type of movies Martin and his friends prefer.

                      I am  nterested  n          I enjoy comedy mov es.         I am keen on romance
                       l ves of cowboys.                                               mov es.

                                     Pearl                         Mar e                        Mart n

                   I am fond of mov es about     I love watch ng an mat on      I want to laugh when I
                  al ens, robots and the future.         mov es.                    watch a mov e.

                                    Patr ck                        Betty                         Zach

               According to the information above, who can watch a movie together?
               A)  Pearl & Betty      B)  Marie & Zach       C)  Martin & Patrick   D) Patrick & Betty

           2.   A music company conducted a survey about the music preferences of 100 boys and 100 girls. The chart below
               shows the results.

                                  10 % Pop                                    40 % Pop

                   BOYS          20 % Ind an                                 20 % Ind an             GIRLS

                                  20 % Folk                                   10 % Folk

                                  50 % Rap                                    30 % Rap

               Which of the following is NOT correct according to the chart above?

               A)  Half of the boys prefer listening to rap music.
               B)  Pop is the most popular type of music among both groups.
               C)  Most girls prefer listening to pop music.
               D) Twenty percent of the boys are keen on Indian music.

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