Page 15 - OG_8 Kurumsal
P. 15


          3.   Here is Nina’s plans for this week.        5.
                Monday    Tuesday   Thursday  Saturday                     I am  nterested  n jazz mus c.
                seeing a   riding a   going    going                          To me,  t  s _______ .
                 play      bike     jogging   bowling
              Chidi :   Hey, Nina!  There is a western movie at           I love pop mus c because  t  s
                     the cinema this week. Shall we see it                         _______ .

              Nina :  When is the movie?
                                                                          I am fond of rap mus c. I th nk
              Chidi :  It’s at the weekend.
                                                                                  t  s _______ .
              Nina :  __________
              Complete the conversation according to Nina’s   Which of the following DOES NOT complete
              plan table.                                     one of the blanks above?
              A)  That sounds great. I can join you on Sunday.  A)  terrific            B)  impressive
              B)  Good idea! I have nothing to do at the weekend.  C)  unbearable       D) harmonic

              C)  I’d love to, but I am going to the theater.
              D) Sorry, but I must go jogging.

          4.   The chart below shows the results of a survey
              about the most important personality traits of a   OMAGE  OMAGE
              best friend. The survey took place in a secondary
              school in New York last week.

                                10 %
                                                          6.   The table below shows the book preferences of
                                                              four friends.
                        40 %             25 %
                       Honest          Rel able                         Science-fiction  Biographical   Travel
                                                                            Book        Book     Book
                                                               Mario         ✖           ✔         ✖
                                25 %
                              Support ve                       Anderson      ✔           ✔         ✖
                                                               Gary          ✔           ✖         ✔
                                                               Fabricio      ✔           ✖         ✖
              Which of the following is CORRECT according     Which of the following IS NOT correct according
              to the information above?                       to the table above?
              A)  Telling the truth is not a characteristic of a true friend.  A)  Mario is interested in learning about famous people’s
                                                                life stories.
              B)  According to the students, backing up friends is the
                least important trait.                        B)  Anderson and Fabricio are keen on science-fiction
              C)  Being generous is more important than being
                reliable.                                     C)  Travel books are unbearable for all of them.

              D) Most people prefer being friends with an honest   D) Gary is fond of learning about new places.

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