Page 16 - OG_8 Kurumsal
P. 16


           7.   George and his friends are at a restaurant and   9.
               they  want  to  have  lunch.  Here  are  their  food
               George :  I enjoy grilled chicken and I want to have
                       it today.
               Derrick : I would like to have vegetable soup.
               Harold  : I want to have steak today.
               Lisa    :  I usually prefer red meat at dinner, but I
                       want to have carrot soup today.          It is very easy to make chicken breasts.
               According to the information above, who            I.  First, cut the chicken breasts thin and long.
               orders red meat?                                  II.  Then, season the breast pieces with garlic, red
               A)  George             B)  Derrick                  pepper and salt.
               C)  Harold             D) Lisa                    III.  Next, put the breasts into the oven and cook
                                                                   until they become golden.

                                                                  IV.  After that, leave them in the oven for five
                                                                 V.  It’s ready to serve! Bon Appetite!

                                                                In which step of the recipe does the chef talk
                                                                about the cooking method?

                                                                A)  II     B)  III     C)  IV     D) V
                                                           OMAGE  OMAGE

           8.   Susan  and  her  friends  want  to  go  to  Retro
               Restaurant. Here is the weekly meal menu of it.

                  Monday                     Wednesday      10.  Bob’s friend, Sandy is coming for dinner and Bob
                Ch cken Taco   Mushroom        Samosa
                                  Soup                          wants to prepare a good menu for Sandy. Sandy
                                                                prefers having soup before starting the main
                        Thursday                                course. She loves vegetable soup. She likes meat
                         Steamed        Fr day                  dishes for the main course. After dinner, she likes
                          Broccol        Steak
                                                                having desserts.
                         Saturday       Sunday                  Which menu should Bob choose?
                        F sh & Ch ps   Meatballs
                                                                A)                    B)
                                                                       Menu 1                Menu 2
               Which of the following is CORRECT according          Mushroom Soup          Ch cken Soup
               to the information above?                            Vegetar an Tacos        Baked Pasta
               A)  They can eat a traditional meal on the second day of   Ice-cream          Brown e
                  the week.
               B)  On Monday, they can eat red meat.            C)     Menu 3         D)     Menu 4
               C)  They can eat a kind of pasta on the third day of the
                  week.                                               Potato Soup           Carrot Soup
                                                                    Steak w th Sauce        Meatballs
               D) On  the  fourth  day  of  the  week,  they  can  have  a   Pudd ng          Salad
                  vegetarian meal.

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