Page 24 - 8moding_20_li 1dnm
P. 24


               Rose       :  Hello! May I speak to the manager, please?

               Secretary  :  ________________
               Rose       :   My name is Rose.
               Secretary  :  _________________
               Rose       :  Anderson.

               Secretary  :  Thanks. Hold on a second. I’ll try to connect you.
               (A few seconds later)
               Secretary  :  I’m sorry Miss Anderson, our manager is not available right now. ________________
               Rose       :   No, thanks. I’ll call back later.

               Which question does NOT the secretary ask Rose?
               A) Can I take a message?                      B) Who is calling?
               C) Can I take your surname?                   D) Can you repeat that, please?

           6.                                New ema l
                                           From        :
                                           To            :
                                           Subject : New WhatsApp Group
                                            Hello Clara,
                                            I hope everything is well in your world.
                                            I tried to call you yesterday, but your
                                            mobile phone was switched off. I’ve got
                                            a new WhatsApp group. Would you like
                                            to join us? It’ll be fun. By the way, see the
                                            attachment for our school assignment.
                                            Take care,
        GENEL DENEME 6                      Steve

               Which sentence is TRUE?
               A) Steve is the receiver of the email.        B) Clara is the sender of the email.
               C) Steve wants Clara to read the attachment.   D) Clara will definitely join the group.

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