Page 23 - 8moding_20_li 1dnm
P. 23


          1.   Bu testte 10 soru vardır.                                          20 DENEME
          2.  Sınav süresi 20 dakikadır.  DENEME SINAVI
          3.  Cevaplarınızı, cevap   Adı Soyadı: ..............................................................................................  GENEL dENEmE
            kağıdına işaretleyiniz.                                                        6
                                 Okulu: ......................................................................................................
                                 Sınıfı: .................................     Numarası: ..............................................

          1.                                              3.   Marta doesn’t have a sweet tooth. She never
                                                              prefers seafood or meat dishes. She usually cooks
                                                              vegetable dishes and different kinds of soup.
                             III     I
                                                              Which picture shows a dish that Marta would
                          IV                                  prefer?
                                  II                          A)                     B)

              April  is  a  high  school  student.  She  prepared  a
              questionnaire about free time activities and asked
              some students about their preferences last week.
              According to the results, about five percent of
              the students are keen on going to concerts. Over
              twenty percent of the students prefer reading   C)                     D)
              books and visiting book fairs. Less than forty
              percent of the students are fond of sports. The
              interesting result is about camping because most
              students find this activity very relaxing.
              According to the text, which number shows the
              rate for reading books and visiting book fairs?
              A) I       B) II      C) III      D) IV

          2.   Jane had a school project about types of music last   4.   Zoe  has lots of  unnecessary  clothes  in  her
              week. She went to Luton High School and asked   wardrobe. She wants to give some of her clothes
              100 students  to express their opinions about jazz   to a charity. She phones the call centre of an
              music. Look at the chart for the results.       organisation, but the line is engaged all the time.
                                                              She feels very angry about that.
                  8 Students       unbearable
                                                              Which picture shows the situation in the text?
                  20 Students       ridiculous
                                                              A)                     B)
                  30 Students       energetic
                  42 Students        boring

              Which option is TRUE according to the chart?

              A) Jazz is a very popular type of music at Luton High
                                                              C)                     D)                    GENEL DENEME 6
              B) Over fifty percent of the students prefer listening to
              C) Most students aren’t keen on listening to jazz.
              D) Only a few students think that jazz isn’t interesting.

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