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3.    I.  Archie :  Would you like some fruit juice?  5.    I.  Paul Foster from DC Company. Could you tell
                                                                   her to call me back, please?
                  Marta  : No, thanks. I don’t like it.
                                                                 II.  Sure, Mr Foster. I’ll pass your message on to
                II.  Alex  :  Do you want a sandwich?
                  Cliff  :  That’s not a good idea. I’m stuffed.
                                                                  III.  May I speak to Mrs Roberts, please?
                III.  Dave  :  How about going to the cinema and     IV.  I’m afraid she isn’t available at the moment.
                         seeing a thriller?
                                                                   May I ask who is calling?
                  Jane  :  That would be awesome.
                                                                Choose the option that gives the correct order
                IV.  Gary  :  Are you free tomorrow afternoon?   of the dialogue.
                         Shall we go skating in the big park?
                                                                A)  III / IV / I / II   B)  I / III / II / IV
                  Vicky  :  Good idea, but my uncle is coming   C)  IV / II / III / I   D) II / III / I / IV
               Which option is WRONG?

               A)  Marta refuses Archie’s offer.
               B)  Cliff doesn’t want a sandwich because he isn't

               C)  Jane and Dave are interested in thrillers.
               D) Vicky accepts Gary’s invitation with a reason.

           4.   Fiona  :  Hi, Helen. Are you cooking lunch?

               Helen  :  Yes, the kids are hungry.
               Fiona  :   Do you need my help?
               Helen  :  Yes, please. I’ll be very happy if you melt
                       some butter for me?
               Fiona  :  Sure. Over medium heat or over low
               Helen  :  Medium, please.
               Which kitchen tool will Fiona need to melt the
               butter?                                      6.   Types of
               A)                     B)                         Music   Sally    Jack    Steve    Kevin
                                                                  Jazz   energetic   impressive  ridiculous  terrific
                                                                  Rap   ridiculous   boring  energetic  unbearable

                                                                 Classical   unbearable  unbearable  harmonic  impressive
        GENEL DENEME 10  C)           D)                        Which sentence is TRUE according to the table?
                                                                A)  Sally prefers rap to classical music.
                                                                B)  Jack can’t stand classical music.
                                                                C)  Steve is keen on jazz music.

                                                                D) Kevin is fond of rock music.

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