Page 44 - 8moding_20_li 1dnm
P. 44

3.   A music company conducts a survey about the music preferences of 100 boys and 100 girls in Stockholm. Here
               are the results :

                       Rock   30%                                                       20%   Rock

                       Rap     40%                                                      20%     Rap
                    BOYS  Folk     20%                                                  10%     Folk  GIRLS

                       Jazz    10%                                                      50%     Jazz

               Which of the following is NOT correct according to the results?
               A)  Most girls prefer listening to jazz music.    B)  Both the girls and boys never listen to folk music.

               C)  Rap music is more interesting for the boys.    D) The boys enjoy rock music more than the girls do.

           4.   In 8-H class, students write pieces of advice and hang them on the Safe Internet Wall. They try to raise awarness
               about ho how stay safe online.
                    Share your     Refuse unknown     Agree to meet      Before you      Don’t believe in
                  password with     people’s friend    your online     download a  le,   all the news on
                   your friends.      requests.         friends.       check it with an   the Internet.

                     Marilyn           Steve             Reece            Dennis           Amanda

               Who have wrong advice on the Safe Internet Wall?
               A)  Marily and Steve   B)  Marilyn and Reece   C)  Dennis and Reece   D) Dennis and Amanda

           5.   Jackson wants to buy a book for Nicole as a birthday gift. He knows that Nicole is interested in books about
               planets and space.

                   I             The book tells us about the   II            If you are  nterested  n the
                       B ography    nterest ng l fe story of the   H story of   h story of pa nt ngs and
                        of Isaac   d scoverer of grav ty, Isaac    Modern    draw ngs, th s book  s for
                        Newton   Newton.                             Art     you.

                   III           An  ncred ble sc ence-f ct on   IV          Th s great book  s full of
        GENEL DENEME 11  the Moon  twelve-year-old boy travels      How to   del c ous rec pes.
                                 book for book lovers. A
                       Travel to
                                 to the Moon alone  n the

               Which book should Jackson buy for Nicole?

               A)  I                  B)  II                 C)  III               D) IV

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