Page 43 - 8moding_20_li 1dnm
P. 43


          1.   Bu testte 10 soru vardır.                                          20 DENEME
          2.  Sınav süresi 20 dakikadır.  DENEME SINAVI
          3.  Cevaplarınızı, cevap   Adı Soyadı: ..............................................................................................  GENEL dENEmE
            kağıdına işaretleyiniz.                                                       11
                                 Okulu: ......................................................................................................
                                 Sınıfı: .................................     Numarası: ..............................................


                                            Dear friends,

                                            I am organizing a reunion party
                                            next Friday at 5 p.m. for old buddies.
                                            I would like you to join.


              These are Raymond’s friends’ responses to his invitation:

              William : I am so excited to see you. I'll join the event.
              Gail  :   Don’t give a party without me! I will be there.
              Felicia  :  I have a lot to do on Friday, but I can't refuse.

              Simon  : I’m sorry, but I am very busy next Friday.
              Who CANNOT attend the party?
              A)  William           B)  Gail               C)  Felicia            D) Simon

          2.   Mr Smith and his students prepare an opinion wall in their class. Students should share one positive and one
              negative opinion about their friends on this wall. Here are some students’ notes:
                 You always tell the   You  can't keep   You are a snob. I   You are a very   I love your jokes and
                truth, but you can be   secrets. However, you   can’t trust you   hardworking person,   spending time with
                 sel sh from time to   are very funny.  because you aren’t   but you are  always   you. You are a great
                     time.                             reliable.       late for school.    mate.
                         Barkley            David             Julia             Tom             Marta

                                                                                                           GENEL DENEME 11
                    To Kim            To Mia           To Zach          To Helen          To Linda

              Who do NOT have suitable notes according to the information above?
              A)  Barkley and Julia                        B)  David and Tom
              C)  David and Marta                          D) Julia and Marta

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