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P. 41

7.   Kylie and Wilma go to a new restaurant for dinner. Mark Pitt is the restaurant owner. He conducts a short survey
              for his new customers because he wants to serve their favourite dishes.  Here are Kylie and Wilma’s preferences:

                                                                   Kylie          Wilma
                         ✔ The food you are crazy about.         Red Meat       Grilled Steak
                         ✔ The food you find unbearable.        Fried Chicken      Pasta
                         ✔ The dessert you want to try.          Ice-cream     Fruit Desserts
                         ✔ The drink you are in the mood now.   Sour Drinks   Cola / Lemonade
                         ✔ The drink you never prefer.          Fizzy Drinks    Orange Juice
              According to Kylie and Wilma’s interests, which menu should the restaurant choose for both?
              A)                    B)                    C)                    D)

                    Gr lled Ch cken         Kobe Steak          Fr ed Potatoes           Pasta

                        Cola                Lemonade             Orange Ju ce         Chocolate M lk

                      Fru t Salad       Strawberry Ice-cream      Pudd ng              Carrot Balls

          8.   Read the conversation below and answer the question according to it.
              Lilly     : This is Lilly. Is Johnson at home?

              Ellie     : Hi Lilly! Ellie speaking. Johnson has gone out.
              Lilly     : This is bad. Can I leave a message?
              Ellie     : Sure. I’ll take a note.

              Lilly     : Could you please tell him to call me as soon as possible? It’s about our science project.
              Ellie     : Of course. I’ll pass your message when he comes back.
              Which note does Ellie take?
              A)                     B)                   C)                   D)

                  Lilly called and left a   Lilly wanted you to   Lilly called when you   Your friend, Lilly
                  message for you. It’s   call her. She wants to   were out. Call her   called you about   GENEL DENEME 10
                    in your message     go to a science fair   back when you get   your science project.
                        box.                with you.         home. I think it’s   She will call back
                                                                about your              later.

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