Page 51 - 8moding_20_li 1dnm
P. 51
1. Bu testte 10 soru vardır. 20 DENEME
2. Sınav süresi 20 dakikadır. DENEME SINAVI
3. Cevaplarınızı, cevap Adı Soyadı: .............................................................................................. GENEL dENEmE
kağıdına işaretleyiniz. 13
Okulu: ......................................................................................................
Sınıfı: ................................. Numarası: ..............................................
1. Gizem : What activity do you do regularly?
Billy : I take dance classes.
Gizem : How often do you take dance classes?
Billy : Once a week.
Gizem : Where do you take them?
Billy : I take my classes at my school.
Gizem : When do you attend your classes?
Billy : I attend them on Fridays at 5 p.m.
According to the dialogue above, Billy does NOT give any information about the ____________ of the classes.
Choose the CORRECT option to complete the sentence.
A) price B) day C) place D) time
2. A music company conducts a survey about the music preferences of some teenagers in a high school. Here are
some information about the results:
More than half of the teenagers are interested in rock music.
Jazz music is the least popular type of music.
Pop music is as popular as rap music among the teenagers.
Which of the following charts shows the results?
rock pop jazz rap
A) B) C) D)
20% 20% 15% 20%
45% 5% GENEL DENEME 13
15% 15% 55% 60% 50%
15% 25%
20% 10%