Page 52 - 8moding_20_li 1dnm
P. 52

                      1                 2                 3                4                 5

                                   Second, add 500                     Next, place the
                                   grams of mince,                     meatballs on a   Then, knead the
                  First, grate an                    Serve hot. Enjoy
                 onion and some    breadcrumbs, red                    baking tray and   mixture for 10
                 garlic into a pan.  pepper and        your meal!     bake them for 30   minutes and roll
                                      cummin.                          minutes in the   the mince mixture.

               Which of the following steps of the recipe should change places to get the correct order?
               A)  1 – 3              B)  2 – 4              C)  3 – 5             D) 1 – 4


                                                       Jamie is a laid-back person. He
                                                        also likes making his friends
                                                      laugh. His friends love spending
                                                             time with him.

               Linda      : My best buddy is relaxed in manner and character. He is also funny.
               Helen      : My best friend never tells lies. He is a reliable person.
               Gail       : My closest friend is punctual and kind.

               Wilma      : My best friend is tactful and polite.
               According to the information above, whose best friend is Jamie?
               A)  Linda’s            B)  Helen’s            C)  Gail’s            D) Wilma’s

                                                        Free School Lunch
                  MENU                                   For Students
                  OF THE         Monday       Tuesday     Wednesday        Thursday          Friday
                  WEEK         Onion Soup   Veggie Pizza  Fish and Fries  Lentil Soup   Baked Potatoes

                               Steak        Apple Pie   Chicken Soup    Ice Cream       Carrot Soup

               Jim        : Did you have a look at the lunch menu?

        GENEL DENEME 13  Jim  : Why?
                          : Yes, I did. I'm going to prepare my food and bring it to school on ___________ .
                          : Because I am a vegetarian.
               Which of the following completes the conversation?

               A)  Tuesday and Friday                        B)  Tuesday and Wednesday
               C)  Wednesday and Thursday                    D) Monday and Wednesday

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