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6.                                              8.

               From : Patr c a      To   : Sandra
               Subject  :
               Dear Sandra,
               Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. I’d love
               to come to the event and be there with you on your
               special day. However, I'm going on vacation with my
               family. I will give you your gift when I return.
               See you later.
               Take care,

              Which of the following options is CORRECT       Sally     :  I  saw  a  brochure  about  French
              according to the e-mail above?                             classes and I am going to join one of
                                                                         them. How about joining together?
              A)  Patricia invites Sandra to her birthday party.
              B)  Sandra refuses Patricia's invitation without a reason.  Will  : Why not? On what days can we join
                                                                          the classes?
              C)  Sandra doesn’t want Patricia to join her party.
                                                              Sally     : ____________________ .
              D) Patricia wants to go to the party, but she has another
                plan.                                         Will      :  Where  are  we  going  to  take  the
                                                              Sally     : From home. They are online.
                                                              Which   of   the   following   completes   the
                                                              conversation above?
                                                              A)  We can attend every day
                                                              B)  We can attend it on Monday and Thursday if you like

                                                              C)  There are only classes on weekdays
                                                              D) We can attend the classes the day before Saturday

          7.   Timothy :  Are  you  doing  anything  tomorrow
              Bathilda : No, not at all. Why?
              Timothy :  I have two tickets for an action movie.
                      How about going together?
              Bathilda : ___________
              Bathilda refuses Timothy’s invitation because she
              is not interested in action movies.
              Choose the best option to complete the
              A)  Of course. Thanks for the invitation.                                                    GENEL DENEME 14
              B)  I’m sorry, but I am busy tomorrow.

              C)  Thanks, but I hate action movies.
              D) Yes, I’d love to. What time is the movie?

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