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                                                                To Be Healthy Dur ng


                                                                    -Wash your hands very often.
                                                                    - Don’t eat out.
                                                                    - Dr nk enough water.

                                                                    - Don’t eat salty or greasy food.

               Who does NOT follow one of the suggestions above?

               A)  Martin : I prepare my food at home.
               B)  Jim         : I drink 2 liters of water every day.
               C)  Daisy    : I always prefer adding extra salt to my meals.
               D) Steve    : I would rather cook than eat at a restaurant.


                                             Da sy’s Blog

                                            H  fr ends! Today I want to talk about
                                            my Internet act v t es. I usually use the
                                            Internet to follow my ser es. I somet mes
                                            play onl ne games and I rarely do onl ne
                                            shopp ng. However, I never use the
                                            Internet to do my homework.

               Which of the following tables matches with Daisy’s Internet usage according to her blog?
                                            The stars show the frequency of the activities

               A)   do homework                              B)   do homework
                   watch series                                 watch series

                   play games                                   play games
        GENEL DENEME 15  C)   do homework                    D)   do homework

                   watch series

                   play games                                   watch series
                                                                play games
                   shopping                                     shopping

   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67