Page 59 - 8moding_20_li 1dnm
P. 59


          1.   Bu testte 10 soru vardır.                                          20 DENEME
          2.  Sınav süresi 20 dakikadır.  DENEME SINAVI
          3.  Cevaplarınızı, cevap   Adı Soyadı: ..............................................................................................  GENEL dENEmE
            kağıdına işaretleyiniz.                                                       15
                                 Okulu: ......................................................................................................
                                 Sınıfı: .................................     Numarası: ..............................................

          1.   Hi! I'm Betty. My friends are like my brothers and sisters. I have four close friends in my class: Drake, Felicia, Tracy
              and Nancy. Drake always makes all of us laugh except Felicia. She doesn’t like jokes. She is a punctual person.
              However, Tracy doesn’t care about being late to anywhere. She is so laid-back. Nancy and I sometimes argue,
              but I count on her because she always keeps my secrets.
              Who does NOT tell the truth according to Betty?

              A)                                          B)
                             My fr ends th nk I am very ser ous.               I am never late to school.

                 Drake                                        Fel c a
              C)                                          D)
                            I am relaxed  n manner and character.              I am a rel able person.

                 Tracy                                        Nancy

          2.   A restaurant owner conducts a survey about the dinner preferences of his customers. The purpose is to find
              the most popular meals and prepare a better menu according to the preferences of his customers. Here is
              some information about the results :

                               • More than seventy percent of the customers prefer vegetable soup.
                                      • Only a few people don’t enjoy eating white meat.

                                     • Most people prefer having a cold dessert after dinner.

              Which of the following options should the restaurant choose according to the information above?
              A)                    B)                    C)                   D)

                     Lentil Soup         Chicken Soup           Onion Soup           Potato Soup

                                                                                                           GENEL DENEME 15
                    Minced Meat         Baked Potatoes             Steak            Grilled Chicken

                    Caesar Salad          Chocolate             Carrot Balls        Ice-cream Rolls

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