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9.   Brad, Amy, Emily and Rosa want to leave a message for the people they are trying to reach and they have
               different reasons.

                                                                   I want to make a cake, but
                                  My best friend has a
                                birthday party, but I am ill      there isn’t any  our at home.
                                                                  I want to leave a message to
                                    and I can’t join.
                                                                          my father.
                    Brad                                                                         Amy

                               I need to see my doctor, but       I have a science project and I
                               I can’t arrive on time. I want      must get in touch with my
                                to leave a message for my          project partner, but I can’t
                                        doctor.                           reach her.

                    Emily                                                                        Rosa

               Whose message does NOT reflect his/her reason?
               A)  Brad      : Hey, buddy. I can’t come to your birthday because I feel terrible.
               B)  Amy       : Dad, can you buy some flour before you come home, please?
               C)  Emily     : I have a doctor appointment today. Can you pick me up from the hospital, please?
               D) Rosa      : Hi, this is Rosa. We need to work on the project today. Can you call me as soon as possible?

                                              To use the Internet e ectively, we should
                                              follow some safety rules.

                      The Internet is full of                                  Be careful before you
                       dangerous people.                                         download a  le.

                                                     My Tips to Stay
                                                      Safe Online

                    Always refuse unknown                                    Never share your personal
                    people’s friend requests.                                information when you are
        GENEL DENEME 14  According to the information above, who is NOT safe on the Internet?

               A)  Stella       : I share a lot with my online friends. They are good people.
               B)  Marilyn   : I always check files before I download them.

               C)  Dudley    : I don’t share anything about myself with anyone.
               D) Sarah       : I don’t accept strangers' friend requests when I am online.

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