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P. 201


           SCIENCE                                                                               VOCABULARY TEST

          1 – 12 : For these questions, choose the best option   7.   Stephen Hawking ________ because of ALS at the age of
          to fill in the blanks.                                     76, in 2018.
                                                                     A)  diagnosed          B)  prepared
          1.   Marie Curie is the ________ of the radium.
                                                                     C)  died               D) conveyed
              A)  discoverer        B)  discovery
              C)  inventor          D) invention

                                                                 8.   Edward Jenner ________ smallpox vaccination and saved
                                                                     many lives.
          2.   The ________ of the radio is Guglielmo Marconi.       A)  founded            B)  discovered

              A)  discoverer        B)  discovery                    C)  searched           D) showed
              C)  inventor          D) invention

                                                                 9.   Teenagers like using ________ devices like smartphones
          3.   Isaac Newton is a ________ scientist all over the world. He   and tablets.
              discovered gravity of the matter.                      A)  molecular          B)  high-tech

              A)  well-known        B)  medical                      C)  medical            D) common
              C)  various           D) past

                                                                 10.  David and Jason are doing ________at the school lab at
          4.   The invention of tyre improved ________ in the world.  the moment.
              A)  chemistry         B)  battery                      A)  documentaries      B)  experiments

              C)  feature           D) transportation                C)  awards             D) engineers

          5.   Albert Einstein got the Nobel ________ in physics with his   11.  Nicola  Tesla was a ________ inventor. He had many
              theory of relativity.                                  important inventions.

              A)  century           B)  prize                        A)  poor               B)  mental
              C)  dish              D) signal                        C)  successful         D) paraplegic

          6.   With the invention of the telescope, it is possible to   12.  Oktay Sinanoğlu had more than one ________ . He was a
              ________ the planets and stars.                        chemist, a biophysicist and a biochemist.
              A)  observe           B)  know                         A)  text               B)  profession
              C)  move              D) operate                       C)  structure          D) travel

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