Page 10 - 8oging_sb
P. 10

9.                                               12.   1.  have       a. an invitation
                                                                 2.  refuse      b. something in common
                                               honest            3.  keep        c. the truth

                                                                 4.  tell        d. a secret
                                                                Choose the best option to match the two parts.
                                                                A)  1 – b / 2 – a / 3 – c / 4 – d
                 stubborn                                       B)  1 – b / 2 – c / 3 – a / 4 – d
                                               funny            C)  1 – d / 2 – c / 3 – b / 4 – a

                                                                D) 1 – b / 2 – a / 3 – d / 4 – c

                                                            13.  To help and support someone: ______
                                   Mary                         To depend on someone: ______

               Which of the following is WRONG about Mary?      To have a good relationship: ______
               A)  She easily agrees with others.               Which of the following expressions DOES NOT
                                                                have a definition?
               B)  She tells the truth.
                                                                A) come over             B) count on
               C)  She likes buying presents for her friends.
                                                                C) get on well           D) back up
               D)  She makes her friends laugh.

           10.  Mark  : We are organizing a birthday party for
                      Henry. Would you like to come?        14.  The school tennis club is ______ a tennis

               Jack      :  ______. That sounds like fun. Where is it   OMAGE  competition on Thursday afternoon.
                      going to be?                              Choose the CORRECT option to complete the
               Choose the CORRECT option to complete the        gap.
               gap.                                             A) refusing              B) accepting
               A) Goodbye                B) Sure                C) requesting            D) organising

               C) Unfortunately          D) Busy

           11.                                              15.   chit-chat at a cafe
                                                                  go to an art exhibition
                      I.                       II.
                   helpful                                       pick someone up
                                                                   have a slumber party
                                                                Which picture IS NOT related to the list?
                                                                A)                   B)
                            Positive Personal

                     III.                      IV.
                    loyal                    sneaky             C)                   D)

               Which word is ODD on the list?
               A) I        B) II      C) III     D) IV

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