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FRIENDSHIP | UNIT-1                                                     TEST – 2

          1.                                              4.
                           We are hav ng                                      David’s Plans
                            fr ends over                              Activity       Day / Time
                           ton ght. Would
                          you l ke to come?                       art exhibition  Tuesday / 14.00
                                                                  thriller movie  Wednesday / 10.30
                                   _____. I am go ng
                                   to study ton ght.              pop concert     Saturday / 11.00
                                                                  book fair       Sunday / 15.30

                                                              David ________________ .
                                                              A)  is going to see paintings and sculptures on the first
                                                                day of the week
                                                              B)  is going to the cinema and the art gallery on the
                                                                same day
              A)  Why not           B)  I can't refuse        C)  is going to the pop concert at the weekend
                                                                                                             SKILLS TEST
              C)  I am not busy     D) I’m sorry, but I can’t  D) is going to visit the book fair before the concert

          2.   Donald usually gets on well with his friends.   5.   I.   Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope he will get
              However, ______.                                   better soon.
              A)  they have a lot of things in common         II. I’m organizing a football match with my friends.
                                                                Would you like to join us?
              B)  they share similar likes and dislikes
                                                              III. Why do you ask?
                                                         OMAGE  IV. I’m afraid I can’t. My father is ill and he is in the
              C)  he always counts on his friends
              D) he sometimes argues with them                  hospital. I must be with him.
                                                              V. Hey Jack, are you doing anything?

                                                              Which of the following is the CORRECT order of
          3.                                                  the dialogue?

                                                              A)  II, I, IV, III, V        B)  IV, V, II, I, III
                                                              C)  III, I, IV, V, II         D) V, III, II, IV, I
                         REAL BUDDIES
                      • Back you up.
                                                          6.   Sue  :   What do you think about an ideal
                                                              Amy :   True friends are always there when we
                       • Never tell your secrets to                  need them.
                       • Always rely on you.                  Bob  :   We can  count on  our friends  because
                                                                     they are reliable people.
                                                              Sam :    All friends are jealous of each other. It
                                                                     shows the strength of their friendship.
                Which one is FALSE about a real buddy?
                                                              Pam :    We have a lot of similar interests with our
              A)  He / She always keeps your secrets.                friends.
              B)  He / She helps you all the time.            Whose answer is WRONG?
              C)  He / She shares your secrets with others.
                                                              A)  Amy's    B)  Bob's   C)  Sam's    D) Pam's
              D) He / She gets on well with you.

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