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FRIENDSHIP | UNIT-1                                                     TEST – 1

          1.                                              4.
                                       Well,  t sounds
                                        fun. I’ll help
                 B ll  s mov ng  to
               another c ty. I want to
                organ se a farewell
               party for h m. _____?

              Which of the following completes the dialogue?
              A)  How about visiting him later
              B)  Why don’t you go and tell other people
              C)  What about organising it together           According to the information, which of the     SKILLS TEST
                                                              following is CORRECT?
              D) Would you like do it on your own
                                                              A)  A true friend and you have nothing in common.
          2.   (I)  True friends always back each other up.  (II)   B)  A true friend always backs you up.
              They are always there if you are in trouble. (III) You   C)  A true friend sometimes lies to you
              have nothing in common. (IV) They count on each
              other because they are reliable.                D) A true friend always argues with you.
                                                         OMAGE  5.   One of your friends invites you to her sleepover
              Which option is ODD?

              A) I        B) II             C) III        D) IV  party. But you feel ill. So you should stay at home
          3.                                                  and have a rest.
                       What do you th nk
                         about Merve?                         What do you say to refuse her invitation
                                                              A)  I don’t feel well and I need to have a rest. Thanks
                                                              B)  It’s not a good idea. Let’s do something interesting.
                                  Well, she  s a great        C)  That sounds fun. I’ll bring my music CDs and movie
                                 buddy. I always count          archive with me.
                                  on her because she          D)  No, I can’t. I’ll help my brother finish his project.

                                                          6.   I.   Nothing special. Why?
                                                                II.   Hey, Jim. Do you have any plans tonight?

              Which of the following completes the dialogue?    III.  Of course, I’d love to.
              A)  never lies to me                              IV.  Would you like to come over for a drink?
              B)  doesn’t tell the truth                      Which of the following is the CORRECT order of
                                                              the dialogue?
              C)  never backs me up
                                                              A)  IV - III - II - I   B)  IV - II - I - III
              D) doesn’t get on well with me
                                                              C)  II - I - IV - III   D)  II - III - I - IV

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