Page 14 - 8oging_sb
P. 14

7.                                     A
                  Helvetica  9    B  I  U                   Answer the questions (9-11) according to the text.

                                                                Everybody has close fr ends. They chat w th
                 Subject: Tea Party
                                                                each other and spend a lot of t me together.
                 Hi, Nora!                                     True fr ends help each other when they have a
                                                              problem. They always back you up, so you trust
                 I am organizing a tea party at my place on Sunday   these fr ends. Somet mes you cannot tell your
                 at 5 p.m. There is going to be a tasty cake, some tea   secrets to your fam ly, but you tell them to your
                 and lovely music. My sister, Sue has a great music   closest fr ends. You usually have s m lar  nterests
                 archive, so she is going to arrange the music and my   w th your budd es, that  s, you have s m lar l kes
                 mom is going to make the cake. There are going to
                 be around fifteen people. You can bring your sisters,   and d sl kes. True fr ends come  nto your l ves
                 too. I guess you know my address. Hope you can   once and stay forever. You usually hang out w th
                 come.                                        your best fr ends and spend your happ est days
                                                                        of your l ves w th them.

                                                            9.   True friends ______.
               Which one is TRUE according to the e-mail?
                                                                A)  never like the same things
               A)  Nora is organizing the event.
                                                                B)  are there whenever you are in trouble
               B)  Nicole is the receiver of the email.
                                                                C)  sometimes count on each other
               C)  Sue is responsible for food and drink.
               D) The party is in Nicole's house at the weekend.  D) always argue with each other

                  Hi! My name is Jack. I am an adventurous
                  person. I have a lot of friends. I like spending   10.  Which one is TRUE according to the text?
                  time with them. On weekdays, we sometimes
                  go  to  a  concert or  a  theater  and  listen  to   A)  People can’t tell their secrets to their parents at
                  music after school.  We sometimes have          times, but they share them with their close friends.
                  parties and chat about many things. On        B)  You sometimes have similar interests with your
                  weekends, we go to amusement parks. It is       buddies.
                  so exciting. Sometimes, we have a picnic. It is
                  very relaxing.                                C)  You usually keep away from your best friends and
                                                                  don’t hang out with them.
               Which of the following DOES NOT show Jack’s      D) Everybody has close friends, but they rarely chat
               weekly activity?                                   with each other and spend a lot of time together.

                A)                 B)

                                                            11.  If you have a close friend, ______.

                C)                 D)                           A)  you have nothing in common
                                                                B)  you often meet and spend plenty of time together

                                                                C)  you stay in his life once
                                                                D) you have different interests with him

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