Page 9 - 8oging_sb
P. 9
1. Which picture-word pair is WRONG? 5.
A) B)
to make him ________his mind. He
Which of the following words DOES NOT
stubborn generous complete one of the gaps in the text? VOCABULARY TEST
A) share B) change
C) D)
C) get D) join
6. Ideal friends are generous. I mean they like
sharing belongings with each other.
laid-back adventurous Which of the following words is the ANTONYM
of the underlined word?
A) tactful B) arrogant
2. Furkan is an honest boy because he never tells lies
and keeps our secrets. C) mean D) stubborn
Which of the following words is the SYNONYM
of the underlined word? 7. Mary : Are you ______ tomorrow evening?
A) reliable B) cheerful Jane : No, not at all. I’m not going to do anything.
C) determined D) stingy Choose the CORRECT option to complete the
A) early B) well
3. I am going to have a party at my place on Tuesday,
30 August. Would you like to ______ us? C) busy D) free
Choose the CORRECT option to complete the
gap. 8.
A) take B) come
C) join D) excuse Negat ve Personal ty Tra ts
agress ve
Jack s my ______ fr end. mean
I enjoy spend ng t me w th
h m. ___________
Which option IS NOT suitable to complete the Which word is SUITABLE to add to the list
sentence? above?
A) real B) mate A) fair B) caring
C) best D) close C) determined D) unreliable