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P. 21

6.                                              7.

                                                              Easy Pasta
              Andrew  :  Hello!  May I  speak  to Lora  Green,     -  Boil some water in a large saucepan.
              Secretary :  _______________                      -  Add a tablespoon of salt to the water.
              Andrew  :  I’m Andrew Miller.                     -  Put the pasta into the boiling water and stir well.
              Secretary :  Hold on a moment, I’ll put you       -  Cook the pasta for ten minutes.
                                                                -  Drain the pasta before you add the sauce.
              (10 seconds later)
                                                              Which kitchen tool do we need for the last
              Secretary :  I’m  sorry,  but  the  line  is  engaged.   step?
                                                              A)                     B)
              Andrew  :  Yes, please. Can you tell her to call me
                       back on my mobile phone.
              Secretary :  I’m sorry, but I can’t hear you well.
                                                              C)                     D)
              Andrew  :   Oh, no! It’s a bad line.
              Which question does NOT the secretary ask

              A) Can I take a message?
              B) Could you repeat that?                   8.
              C) What is your extension number?
              D) Who is calling, please?

                                                              In my opinion, the Internet is functional in many
                                                              ways.  It makes communication very easy in the
                                                              world. I use Facebook to keep in touch with my
                                                              friends. It’s really fun to post photos and videos
                                                              there. I try very hard to keep my account private,
                                                              so I never accept friend requests from strangers.
                                                              I have about 150 online friends. They are all nice
                                                              and kind. I like following science blogs and reading
                                                              newspapers on the Internet.
                                                              Helen __________________ .
                                                              Choose the best option to complete the
                                                              A) follows the safety rules when she is online  GENEL DENEME 5
                                                              B) doesn’t like social media
                                                              C) never refuses friend requests from strangers

                                                              D) thinks the Internet isn’t useful in the world

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