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P. 18
Answer questions 9-10 according to the texts below.
I have a laptop to access the I think the Internet is necessary
Internet. I go online twice a day. for everyone. I prefer chatting
I spend about two hours on the online and learning foreign
Internet. I usually read science languages on the Internet. I go
Mike and technology blogs. Tracy online less than two hours every
I can’t imagine my life In my opinion, the Internet is
without the Internet. I have very functional, but I don’t often
a smartphone to connect to use it. I spend an hour online
the Internet. I use the Internet every day. I usually browse
Emily for about six hours a day. I North articles on the Internet for my
like following social media. homework. I rarely read e-books.
Instagram is my favourite social
networking site.
9. Who is addicted to the Internet?
A) Mike B) Emily C) Tracy D) North
GENEL DENEME 4 10. Which question does NOT have an answer?
A) How often does Mike use the Internet?
B) How many hours a day does Emily use the Internet?
C) How does North connect to the Internet?
D) What are Tracy’s Internet habits?