Page 20 - 8moding_20_li 1dnm
P. 20

3.                                               4.   Kevin    :  Hi, Miranda. How are you?
                                                                Miranda   :  I’m great, thanks.
                     Cookie Dough Bites                         Kevin     :  Look! I’ve got two tickets for the new
                     Steps                                                 science fiction movie for tomorrow.
                                                                           Would you like to join me?
                 -   Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
                     Celsius.                                   Miranda   :  Sure, I’ll be very happy.
                 -   Shape the cookie dough into balls.         Kevin     :  Let’s meet in front of the cinema at
                                                                           half past ten.
                 -   Place the balls on each large cookie
                     sheet.                                     Miranda   :  Great. _________________ .
                 -   Bake the cookies for about 8 to 9          Which option completes the dialogue?
                     minutes. Make sure that they are           A) It’s a bad line
                     golden brown.
                                                                B) I’ll be there on time
                 -   Cool the cookies for 5 minutes.
                                                                C) I can’t hear you
                 -   Meanwhile, mix the cream cheese,
                     brown sugar and honey in a medium          D) We’ll meet up next Friday
                 -   Add the chocolate chips to the
                     mixture.                                         Fr endsh p Day
                 -   Put  the  cream  cheese  mixture  on
                     the cookies with a spoon.                          There  s a party for true fr ends!
                 -   Serve immediately.                                 ‘’True fr ends are great  because
                                                                        they are always honest w th each

               Which picture does NOT show an ingredient in             Dear Fr ends,
                                                                        I’m organ s ng a party for
               the recipe?                                               Fr endsh p Day. I hope all of
               A)                     B)                                 you can jo n the party. It’ll be
                                                                         fun. I’ve got lots of surpr ses
                                                                         and games for you.

                                                                       Date   : September 20, 2023
                                                                       T me   : 14:00-16.30
                                                                       Place   : Andy’s Café
                                                                       Note   : You don’t need to br ng
                                                                                anyth ng.
               C)                     D)
                                                                       Be ready for fun!
                                                                Which sentence is  TRUE according to the
                                                                information on the invitation card?
        GENEL DENEME 5                                          B) Jane is the receiver of the invitation card.
                                                                A) The party will start in the morning and finish in the

                                                                C) True friends are great because they never lie to each
                                                                D) There is no information about the place of the party.

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