Page 101 - Tekyurek_4lu
P. 101

                               I don’t allow my ch ldren to g ve out the r personal  nformat on w thout my perm ss on.
                               I mean they don’t share the r last name, home address, school name, or telephone

                               My daughter doesn’t buy anyth ng onl ne w thout talk ng to me f rst. Some ads may try
                               to tr ck you by o er ng free th ngs or tell ng you that you have won someth ng as a way
                               of collect ng your personal  nformat on.

                                My ch ldren use the  nternet for  d  erent purposes. I bel eve that they  are always
                                careful, so no need to check them out.

                                 My son doesn’t share h s password w th anyone but me. When you use a publ c
                                 computer, make sure you log out of the accounts you’ve accessed before leav ng
                                 the term nal.
               According to the Internet safety rules, whose behavior is WRONG?
               A)  Tom's              B)  Bob's              C)  Sam's             D) Kai's

           4.                                      Receptionist: Hello, this is Marina Hotel. May I help you?

                                                   Augustine    :   Hi! I’d like to book a room for two nights on the 9
                                                               of September.
                                                   Receptionist:  Alright. Can you hold on a moment, please? I’ll
                                                               check it.
                                                   Augustine     : Okay. I’m waiting.

                                                   Receptionist: How many people is the room for?
                                                   Augustine     : A room for two, me and my wife.
                                                   Receptionist: Could I have your name and surname, please?
                                                   Augustine     : Augustine Jumper.

               Receptionist:  How do you spell your surname?

               Augustine     :  J-U-M-P-E-R
               Receptionist:   Thank you Mr. Jumper. I booked your room. We are looking forward to seeing you on the 9  of
                            September. Have a nice day.
               Augustine     :   Thank you. Bye
               Why does Mr. Jumper call the secretary?
               A)  To make a reservation.                            B) To ask for a service.

               C)  To return a product.                              D) To make a complaint about the hotel.

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