Page 104 - Tekyurek_4lu
P. 104

9.   Read Sam’s daily routines below.

                   On Saturdays,        In the         I go to the       I do my
                    I get up at 9    afternoon,      football pract ce   homework and   After I brush my
                   o’clock, I have   I meet my       and I have lunch   watch TV w th    teeth, I go to
                   a shower and     cous n and we    w th my fr ends    my fam ly  n     bed at about
                  I have breakfast.  go shopp ng.    from the team.     the even ng.      11 o’clock.

              Which of the following sentences should change places to get the correct order of Sam's routines?

              A)  1 – 2             B)  2 – 3              C)  3 – 4              D) 4 – 5

          10.  Linda is playing a game. She should choose the correct moves and find Jane’s favorite food.


                          Jane doesn’t pay attent on to her body and she prefers eat ng unhealthy food.

                      Nutr t ous Food                                             Junk  Food

                   She  s keen on eat ng                                    She enjoys eat ng greasy
                       bo led food.                                                 food.

                Vegetable        Garden                                   Fr ed Potato      P zza
                  Soup            Salad

              Jane’s favorite food is __________.
              A)  Vegetable Soup       B) Garden Salad        C) Fried Potato     D) Pizza

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