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                                  SINAVLA ÖĞRENCİ ALACAK ORTAÖĞRETİM

                                    KURUMLARINA İLİŞKİN DENEME SINAVI

                                                Bu testte 10 soru vardır.
                                          Cevaplarınızı, cevap kâğıdına işaretleyiniz.

          1.   These are the results of a survey about the Internet habits of adults and teenagers.

                        Teenagers                                              Adults


                     40%             20%                                  40%            20%

                               30%                                                 30%

                     searching for                                keeping in touch
                     information          playing games           with friends         watching videos

              Which of the following is CORRECT according to the results?
              A)  Teenagers prefer watching movies more than playing online games.

              B)  Teenagers mostly use the Internet to get information about a topic.
              C)  Adults only access to the Internet to find out information.
              D) Most of the adults like communicating with their friends via the Internet.

          2.   Mark  :   Hello, Jack. It’s Mark. I’ve been calling Acer for hours, but he hasn’t picked it up yet. Do you know where
                    he is?
              Jack   :  Hi, Mark. Yes, I do. My brother is at work, but he forgot to take his mobile with him. He’ll be here in the
                    evening. Would you like to leave a message?
              Mark :    Yes, please. Could you please tell him that John has a barbecue party? He invited him, too.
              Jack   :  Sure! Have a good day.

              Which of the following is the message that Jack will tell his brother?
              A)                     B)                    C)                    D)

                  Mark called. He  s                                               Mark called. He wanted
                  organ z ng a party    Jack has a barbecue   John calls. He w ll jo n   me to  nform you
                    for John and he     party and he  nv ted   a barbecue party and   about John’s  nv tat on
                                                              he  nv tes you, too.
                                        you to the party, too.
                      nv ted you.                                                      for h s party.

   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105