Page 204 - 8meta_ing
P. 204


             SCIENCE                                                                                 GRAMMAR – 1

                Exercise 1     Complete the sentences with the verbs in the brackets with the correct forms of the
                               simple past.

                 1.   Canan Dağdeviren ____________ (invent) a wearable heart chip.
                 2.   Aziz Sancar ____________ (get) the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
                 3.   I think the compass ____________ (change) the world.
                 4.   Yesterday, I ____________ (not / complete) my project.
                 5.   İlayda Şamlıgil ____________ (graduate) from a  private high-school.
                 6.   ____________ you ____________ (conduct) an experiment?
                 7.   ____________ Marconi  ____________ (invent) the radio?
                 8.   We ____________ (not / operate) the machine last week.

                Exercise 2     Circle the correct options to complete the sentences.
                 1.   Will  : What did / do you did / do in the library yesterday?

                      Jim  : I looked / look for some books.
                 2.   Drake  : Did / Are you have fun on your last summer holiday?

                      Zach     : Yes, I visit / visited many historical buildings.
                 3.   We went / go to Paris last week.

                 4.   Sharon didn’t enjoy / enjoyed her last trip.
                 5.   Alexander Graham Bell invent / invented the first telephone.

                 6.   He didn’t / doesn’t join the party because he was busy.
                 7.   They get / got a prize in the competition.

                 8.   Fatih Sultan Mehmet invent / invented Havan ball gun.

                Exercise 3     Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence.

                  1.   What did Marie Curie discovered?
                  2.   Dylan didn’t went to cinema.
                  3.   She arrive London two hours ago.
                  4.   Did you helped your parents yesterday?
                  5.   I think compass change the world a lot.

                  6.   Archimedes invent the water screw.

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