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           ON THE PHONE                                                                       GRAMMAR & DIALOGUE TEST

          1 – 12 : For these questions, choose the best options   5.   Frank  : Hi, this is Frank. _________
          to fill in the blanks.                                     Steve  : Sorry, he has gone out.

                                                                     A)  May I speak to Nick?
          1.   Dorothy  :  _________ I speak to Helen, please?
                                                                     B)  Can you tell Nick to call me back?
              Melissa  : Sorry, but she isn’t home now.
                                                                     C)  Can I leave a message?
              A)  May               B)  Would
                                                                     D) Could you repeat that, please?
              C)  Am                D) Do

                                                                 6.   Tom : Could I speak to Charles, please?
          2.   Kelly  : Terry is busy at the moment. _________
                                                                     Will  : _________ hang up the phone, please. I’ll get him.
              Gail    : No, thanks. I’ll call back later.
                                                                     A)  Doesn’t            B)  Won’t
              A)  I’ll put you through him.
                                                                     C)  Don’t              D) Didn’t
              B)  Who is calling?
              C)  Would you like to leave a message?

              D) Hang on a minute.
                                                                 7.   Nicole  :  Hi! May I speak to Victoria, please?

                                                                     Jason  :  I’m afraid she isn’t available at the moment.

                                                                     Nicole  :  Could you tell her to call me back?
          3.   Rita  : This is Rita _________ .                      Jason  :  Sure. She’ll contact you as soon as she can.

              Yuri  : Hi, Rita. What’s up?                           A)  Can you hear me well?
              A)  call              B)  calling                      B)  Do you know her mobile phone number?
              C)  called            D) to call                       C)  May I ask who is calling?
                                                                     D) Can I take a message?

          4.   Vernon    :  What about seeing a play tonight?

              Dudley   :  I couldn’t hear you well. _________    8.   Alice  :  Is your sister there? I must tell her something
              Vernon  :  Shall we see a play tonight?                          important.
              Dudley   :  Of course. Pick me up from my home.        Tracy  :  ________  I’ll get her.

              A)  Don’t hang up the phone.                           A)  Hang on a minute.
              B)  I’ll call you later.                               B)  Hang up the phone.
              C)  Can I take a message?                              C)  I’ll talk to you soon.
              D) Could you speak louder, please?                     D) It’s a bad line.

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