Page 101 - 8meta_ing
P. 101
In our life, mobile phones take a big part. With the help of the technology they
change a lot. The latest version of them is the smartphone. We keep in touch
with the world via smartphones. We do our calls, our tasks, our work, our
records, etc. by using them. It is easy to carry them. These are some
pros of smartphones. They are very useful, but most people are
addicted to them. According to the research, 78 percent of adult
people in Turkey use smartphones. Approximately half of them
spend more than 5 hours with their smartphones. However,
they disturb concentration, they are expensive and there have
some security risks. These are the certain cons of smartphones.
When you have a look around while walking around the city,
almost everyone is busy with their mobile phones and most of
them use smartphones. Besides, phone conservation between
people takes too much time. Especially teenagers talk with each
other and they don’t hang up the phone for long hours. When
they would like to meet up, they contact each other via their
phones. Also, adults mostly use them to make phone calls and take photos, record videos and share those media on
their social media accounts. Everyone thinks teenagers are pretty more active than adults on social media, but
there is a little difference between the usage rate of the two groups. Sure, teenagers are more active.
Exercise 1
True False
Tick the sentences True or False according to the passage.
1. Smartphones don’t cause addiction.
2. Most people use their smartphones for educative purposes.
3. Teenagers use their smartphones more than adults.
4. Half of the adults don’t spend any time with their smartphones.
5. Smartphones have both pros and cons.
6. Most teenagers use their smartphones to follow bloggers.
7. Mobile phones aren’t important for most people.
8. Smartphones are the new version of mobile phones.